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Starting with the Jan 2018 EMT program we are going to a new student page program and format.


Courses starting prior to Jan 2018 will be completed under the current student page system.


Students starting Jan 2018 will receive a CANVAS invite to the new student center page.


12 lead video


Subject: Basic ECG Interpretation Program for EMT-B's

Basic ECG Recognition Course
at EMTS is designed for our graduates and current students.
bullet ECG interpretation can be very frustrating if there's no one to help you practice and show you what you might be doing wrong.
bullet Did you ever wish you could spend hours with an ECG instructor and have them show you exactly what you should be looking for?
Why take a basic ECG recognition course before paramedic school.
bullet The highest failure rates during paramedic school are during pharmacology and cardiology.
bullet Having previous ECG knowledge makes cardiology a breeze in medic school.

Why take a basic ECG course even if not going to medic school.
bullet By understanding ECG's you will be more involved in emergency patient care.
bullet Having a foundation in ECG recognition allows an EMT to attend American Heart Association's Advance Life Support (ACLS) course.
bullet Simply put - just being able to read ECG's is very cool.
Starting in 2018 EMTS will be offering ECG courses geared for EMT-B graduates and current students.
bullet All sessions will be conducted by Tom Cellio and Jim Stewart.
bullet Great learning environment because the participants have a common bond - EMS.
bullet 18 hours of continuing education will be awarded.
bullet The course has zero homework. All work is conducted during class.
Basic ECG Recognition
bulletThe program is a total of 18 hours consisting of:
bullet2 day classes from 9a to 5p
bullet1 evening class from 6p-10p
bullet18 hours of CE awarded.
bulletThe course cost is $325 and includes all required material.
EMTS Graduates and Students
$75 OFF
(With discount course is only $250)
We would love to see you again. This is a challenging course but very rewarding. Once the material clicks you are on your way.

Offer Expires 05/31/2018. Coupon Promo Code:
EMTS Graduate Discount
Emergency Medical Training Services
3410 Midcourt Rd, Suite 136 Carrollton, Texas 75006
(972) 527-3687 * www.emts911/com




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